Sunday, January 3, 2010

Left for Dead Fan Concept: Survivor Vamp Sketch #1

Another concept for Left 4 Dead

Name: Vamp

Bio: Vamp is a mutated Survivor. Though now apparently immune to the infection, she falls somewhere between immune and infected. She has grown heightened senses, speed, and reflexes. Even more frightening is her unique taste for blood. However she is not a bloodthirsty monster and can control these urges. She is looking for a way to cure herself of her infection.

Powers: Vamp's heightened speed and reflexes allows her to move, reload, and heal e quickly. Due to her thirst for blood, she can heal herself during battle while absorbing the blood of a fallen foe. This is done by biting an infected for a period of time, though this leaves her defenseless. When Vamp is severely hurt she can emit an pheromone to attract infected so she can feed.

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