Sunday, January 3, 2010

Left for Dead Fan Concept: Survivor Wolf Sketch #1

Last of the Survivor fan work for Left 4 dead.

Name: Wolf

Bio: A patient suffering from a mutated version of the infection that was slowing taking his life, Wolf opted to participate in an experimental procedure that would use an artificially engineered version of the infection to cure his infection. While the treatment appeared to cure him of his first infection, it burdened him with a secondary version that transformed him into a beast. Doctors wanted to continue treatment, but Wolf's monstrous side overpowered them and fled far from the hospital. When Wolf came to, he was not sure where he was. Since then Wolf gain more control over his beast form, he is in search of a cure.

Powers: Since escaping the hospital, Wolf has gained better control over his transformations. At will Wolf can transform into a beast which give him heightened senses and speed. In his beast form, Wolf can see the Infected before they attack. Since his beast form takes its toll on Wolf's body, he must be in healthy condition when he transforms, which depletes his health over time. Fortunately like Vamp, Wolf could feed on Infected to regain his health. Wolf can not transform if he is badly injured though and must heal with med pack

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