Sunday, January 3, 2010

Left for Dead Fan Concept: Survivor Agent M Sketch #1

Another fan based Left 4 Dead concept.

Name: Agent M

Bio: Agent M was thought to be a failure of the Infected Soldier Program. He was left for dead, but his corpse was not properly disposed. Agent M returned from the dead barely recognizable. Agent M soon realized that since he looked like the infected, he could move among them quite easily. In fact the Infected never attacked him unless provoked.

Powers: Agent M also realized his body housed several insects that constantly fed on his undying flesh. By emitting a gas similar to Boomer Bile, he could control swarms of flies to attack the Infected. Agent M can also release a large dose of gas to control an Infected for a short amount of time to do his bidding. He can heal himself slowly over time or with a med pack.

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